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Something Witty

Sexy Powers!

Oooh! I have 'Sexy Powers'!!!

Check out more at Whubble.

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Cannonball (Music Video)

Another of those 'Discovery of the Week' videos, and again, another live performance. A wonderful mixture of good music, and a good video clip.

(Detail) Listen to the solo on the cello.

Oh to have a studio and mics like these...

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Photo of the Week 10

Essential Photography Quotes

Since I had "some" time free, I decided to pull this out of its mothballed state, and reinstate it to some form of a blog.

From the Digital Photography School, here are a couple of good quotes to think about when/before you take a photo.

10 Favorite “Best Photo Tips”…. By You!
In no particular order they are…

1. “Think BEFORE you press the shutter” - Fuzzy

2. “Do you REALLY want a photo of this?” - Brian Rueb
“Would you put it on your wall?” - Chet

3. “Light is EVERYTHING in photography” - Teineli
“Don’t take photographs of subjects, take photographs of the light” - Cedric
and very succinctly put…
“Your photo will be no better than the quality of the light… if the light is mediocre, do not expect anything more than a mediocre photo” - GL

4. “The difference between great photographers and a not so great photographers is that the great ones don’t show their crappy pictures.” - Bill Boem

5. “K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Stupid” - Laura

6. “Try to express your emotion in photo.” - Igor

7. “It’s not the camera” - Smitty

8. “Take notes on every shot - you will learn far more from your failures.” - D. T. North

9. “Bring your camera with you.” - Sybren

10. “Never stop learning.” - steaminhaggis

Honorable Mentions:
- “If it’s worth taking one photo of, it’s worth taking a whole roll of. ” - Dan Wolfgang

- “Know your gear” - Scott

- “Fill the frame.” - Tim

- “Stop reading - go shooting.” - UncleSam

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