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Something Witty

Ramblings of a loose mind

Ramblings indeed, as things fly in and out of my head. (Metaphorically speaking of course)
Somehow I seem to be drawn towards the "information overload" in point format again, but it hardly seems appropriate considering the circumstances.
This has been a week (Just these past few days) that had I more time, would have resulted in a 'killer' blog post. Alas, now it is relegated to the the bottom of my list of priorities. (How long is it? I don't know. I haven't seen the bottom of it yet)

Not to default to the point format, but the first 'major' topic is that my dog died. *sob*
Yes, old faithful 'Ike', the 13 year old dog, passed on peacefully while I was at the office. Tragic.
One thing that did console me was hearing the other home members comments, "I was walking down the stairs and out of habit I skipped a step, right where Ike always used to lie." *sniff sniff*
Touching, and heart-wrenching confessions.
Now if you can all send me comforting emails, comments, etc.


On a 'happier' note, I (and some other 'techy' friends) have managed to convince a handful of people that Outlook is of the Devil. (My apologies if you happen to still be using it)
After 2 years of use and campaigning, I finally have some converts to Thunderbird.
The only downside that I can see to it is that I am going to have to do tech support for all of the new 'converts'. But I still think it is better than having to solve their Outlook problems.

Well that is about it. If there is anyone out there that still reads this give me a shout, as it seems to be getting pretty dead around these parts.
Okay? *crickets sing in the background*
Well, all of you just go ahead and shout out your names... *wind blows*
In whatever order you feel like... *frogs croak*

That's all for now! Come back next time for another exiting rendition of...
The Lone Blogger

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Trip on this, and that...

Trip on this, and that...

Flash life update...
Prayer day at a park. (It was a photo shoot for me)
Paul left.
Missed Nanye when she was here in SP.
Got a new pair of running shorts.
Went to Rio and back.

There. The highlights of this past month or so. Enjoy the feeling that you are up to date with the going ons of my life.

Some of the so-called "photo shoot"

Check out my DeviantART page.

Disclaimer: Sorry to steal your blog title Fiona, but I found it to be fitting.

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