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Something Witty

A Passagem

Yes, time flies!

Just a quick update.

Worked on an audio CD recently: "A Passagem" (aka. "The Ticket")

Went to Rio to mingle with Nan & Co., and learn how to properly produce music with insane deadlines. (Hint: Having a professional do it is an essential part in being successful)

Helped out with my 2 cents on the cover design, enough to land my name in the cover design, but the real credit goes to Calebe and Curi.

After the CD recording madness, we went on to dupe and print the covers and booklets here, (Never again!!) while prepping for a Seminar. I survived, and slept for an entire day after the event.

So now a couple of weeks later, I am still trying to get back to normal. Until I figured...
What the hell! Things won't go back to normal.
After that things started to go back to normal. So here I am, adjusting to the new 'normal'. Once I am properly adjusted, I am sure something else will come along to jolt me again. This time I have time to put on my seat-belt.

Disclaimer! All recording & production photos in the CD spread are mine. I just didn't want to be an ass and have my name dominate the credit list.

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Essential Photography Quotes

Since I had "some" time free, I decided to pull this out of its mothballed state, and reinstate it to some form of a blog.

From the Digital Photography School, here are a couple of good quotes to think about when/before you take a photo.

10 Favorite “Best Photo Tips”…. By You!
In no particular order they are…

1. “Think BEFORE you press the shutter” - Fuzzy

2. “Do you REALLY want a photo of this?” - Brian Rueb
“Would you put it on your wall?” - Chet

3. “Light is EVERYTHING in photography” - Teineli
“Don’t take photographs of subjects, take photographs of the light” - Cedric
and very succinctly put…
“Your photo will be no better than the quality of the light… if the light is mediocre, do not expect anything more than a mediocre photo” - GL

4. “The difference between great photographers and a not so great photographers is that the great ones don’t show their crappy pictures.” - Bill Boem

5. “K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Stupid” - Laura

6. “Try to express your emotion in photo.” - Igor

7. “It’s not the camera” - Smitty

8. “Take notes on every shot - you will learn far more from your failures.” - D. T. North

9. “Bring your camera with you.” - Sybren

10. “Never stop learning.” - steaminhaggis

Honorable Mentions:
- “If it’s worth taking one photo of, it’s worth taking a whole roll of. ” - Dan Wolfgang

- “Know your gear” - Scott

- “Fill the frame.” - Tim

- “Stop reading - go shooting.” - UncleSam

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Dummy? Or just plain proud?

You all must forgive me for being delinquent with my blog. I won't even try to excuse myself or enumerate all of the reasons why I was delinquent, but suffice it to say I have been busy.

Besides being involved a lot more in events, in the last couple of days I have been trying my hand at Web Design. While I have tinkered with HTML in the past, for some reason I felt the burning desire to dig deeper.

So off I went with nothing but Notepad++ and a CSS Template from
(Ok fine! I had Dreamweaver installed just in case. But I didn't use it! I swear!)

But after a couple of hours of tinkering (aka. 2 days) I grew so frustrated with having to copy the header and footer from page to page, I turned to the Oracle (Google) to find out how to create a header and footer in CSS.

But instead of finding a tutorial on CSS, I stumbled across an extremely Easy Peasy way of using PHP.

It seemed so simple, and so easy to follow the logic that I couldn't resist, and installed WAMP Server (again) to test it out.

After 15 minutes of intense coding (aka. copying and pasting) I had a working page with a PHP menu!

With such quick progress, I grew confident that at last I had found my true calling!! Until someone called me to do janitor duties and off I was cleaning toilets again.

Speaking plainly, I finally understood many principles in PHP which eluded me even after trying to read PHP & MySQL for Dummies more than once, the logic in those books never seemed to sink in. Even after understanding the basics, I went back to the book to try to develop, and got myself even more confused than I was before. It took me a couple of visits to the Oracle to get my brain cleared from all the garbage from those books.

Don't get me wrong, I have talked to several people who swear by anything from (insert product here) for Dummies. But my brain can't seem to wrap around the logic that rules in the Dummy world. No offense to all of you.

(Darn! I just sounded so conceited there!)

After running after my own tail for awhile in both PHP and MySQL, I finally got back on the straight and narrow path of making them work together.

Now, for an experienced Web Designer/Coder that is a piece of cake, but for me who swore I would never be able to code a dynamic Website, that is quite a feather in my cap so to speak.

And while I have ran into a couple of brick walls, so far I've been able to either fix my own mess, or find alternatives. But learning never ends, and unfortunately so do bugs in your code. But the Oracle has all the answers, it all depends on your question.

Moral: Don't try to be a dummy if you aren't one.

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The Lone Blogger Continues...

Not that 'The Lone Blogger' ever started... Well maybe it did when people stopped reading this.

But big news everyone... I am an uncle! Yes. I have finally entered into the realm of people known as, 'Old folks'.

My niece, born July 13, 2007, (Friday the 13th. Be scared... Be very scared) was named Grace. (I think so at least) Weighing ??? pounds, (or if you don't live in the US, like 95.47% of the world's population, Weighing ??? kilograms) she seems as small as a football.
Sorry guys, but I don't have any pictures here right now on this computer. When I get on the computer that has the photos I'll seriously think about putting them up. *grin*

Lots of other changes flying around as well, such as, spending hours a day capturing audio off of DAT tapes (Which although isn't fun in itself, I happen to enjoy it, hours listening to music. The only down side is that I don't get to decide what type of music I listen to, and there is dialogue as well), my headphones breaking, (That was the tragedy of the month. *sniff sniff*) getting sick, and having a 'wisdom tooth' begin to act up again.

So there you go, the significant events in a nutshell.

Until next time, when you will hear 'The New Adventures of the Lone Blogger'.

Why I keep up with the 'The Lone Blogger' name is beyond me.

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Ramblings of a loose mind

Ramblings indeed, as things fly in and out of my head. (Metaphorically speaking of course)
Somehow I seem to be drawn towards the "information overload" in point format again, but it hardly seems appropriate considering the circumstances.
This has been a week (Just these past few days) that had I more time, would have resulted in a 'killer' blog post. Alas, now it is relegated to the the bottom of my list of priorities. (How long is it? I don't know. I haven't seen the bottom of it yet)

Not to default to the point format, but the first 'major' topic is that my dog died. *sob*
Yes, old faithful 'Ike', the 13 year old dog, passed on peacefully while I was at the office. Tragic.
One thing that did console me was hearing the other home members comments, "I was walking down the stairs and out of habit I skipped a step, right where Ike always used to lie." *sniff sniff*
Touching, and heart-wrenching confessions.
Now if you can all send me comforting emails, comments, etc.


On a 'happier' note, I (and some other 'techy' friends) have managed to convince a handful of people that Outlook is of the Devil. (My apologies if you happen to still be using it)
After 2 years of use and campaigning, I finally have some converts to Thunderbird.
The only downside that I can see to it is that I am going to have to do tech support for all of the new 'converts'. But I still think it is better than having to solve their Outlook problems.

Well that is about it. If there is anyone out there that still reads this give me a shout, as it seems to be getting pretty dead around these parts.
Okay? *crickets sing in the background*
Well, all of you just go ahead and shout out your names... *wind blows*
In whatever order you feel like... *frogs croak*

That's all for now! Come back next time for another exiting rendition of...
The Lone Blogger

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Trip on this, and that...

Trip on this, and that...

Flash life update...
Prayer day at a park. (It was a photo shoot for me)
Paul left.
Missed Nanye when she was here in SP.
Got a new pair of running shorts.
Went to Rio and back.

There. The highlights of this past month or so. Enjoy the feeling that you are up to date with the going ons of my life.

Some of the so-called "photo shoot"

Check out my DeviantART page.

Disclaimer: Sorry to steal your blog title Fiona, but I found it to be fitting.

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Updated Links

Read the title.

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