Just watched (kind of) "Happy Feet". A serious trip in itself, from the spoofs on religion to Chicanos, it is one floor-rolling laugh after another.
Something that did shock me was seeing the budget for this animation/live-action movie.
100$ million. Over half of the budget for "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy.
Some of my favorite characters are the el Chicano 'Amigos', (Okay, so they aren't real Chicanos, they are Argentine. But I still think that they are the stereo-type Chicano. No offense to all of you Chicanos out there) and Lovelace.

El 'Amigos'

Mumble is the cutest thing when he first hatches. His father 'Memphis' (aka. Elvis Presley) asks him:
"What'cha doin there boy?"
"I'm happy Pa."
"What'cha doin with your feet?"
"They're happy too."

Anyone else notice the "spot/beauty mark" on Mumble's mother 'Norma Jean' (aka. Marilyn Monroe)?
Edit: Images should load properly now.
Labels: Happy Feet, Movie

Adobe Creative Suite 3 has officially been announced. And while the prices are still sky high, it is still nice to see that at least someone is doing some work updating programs.
But what blew me away was the promo flash that is on the Adobe web site.
Truly a pinnacle of flash design.
The depth, and attention to detail in the promo flash caught me by surprise. It isn't very often that people invest this much in promoting a program, or a package of programs. (Okay, okay! Microsoft and Apple don't count.)
Labels: Adobe, Software, Technology
EON: World Between Worlds Challenge
1 Comments Published by JM on Saturday, March 24, 2007 at 9:36 PM.
While we are not here to promote the books, ((they are good by the way)) we (I) are (am) here to promote the arts.
So without further delay I am happy to announce that the EON World Between Worlds Challenge on The CGSociety has finally announced the winners and runner-ups for the competition.

An awesome gallery of high quality art, and near cinematic quality film trailers, is what this challenge left The CGSociety.
Every Challenge keeps getting better and better.
In the Trailer Arena, the moment I saw the winning trailer long ago, I knew that it would be the winner. The other contestants put up a valiant struggle, but they just weren't strong enough to knock down 'The Shift'
About the 3D Scene, I didn't even know that it was a separate category.
No, I did not read the Challenge Rules because I wouldn't participate anyways.
I thought that the 3D Scene was together with the Illustration category.
And while I cannot argue with the winners and runner-ups in the Illustration department, one entry that I thought deserves at least an 'Honourable Mention' is The Fourth Chamber by Adrian Baluta.

It is a beautifully executed image, from the colors to the concept, a stunning image in many aspects.
The only flaw I can find with it is (maybe that is why it wasn't recognized) the lack of the curved walls against the horizon.
The first time I saw that image I was sure it was going to win, but as the competition progressed, I realized that there were several good contestants in line for the first place.
But all is well that ends well.
One thing I love about all of the CGSociety Challenges, is that you find quality art where it would otherwise be buried.
Ok. So now you know what I spend some of my free time stalking on the web.
So without further delay I am happy to announce that the EON World Between Worlds Challenge on The CGSociety has finally announced the winners and runner-ups for the competition.

An awesome gallery of high quality art, and near cinematic quality film trailers, is what this challenge left The CGSociety.
Every Challenge keeps getting better and better.
In the Trailer Arena, the moment I saw the winning trailer long ago, I knew that it would be the winner. The other contestants put up a valiant struggle, but they just weren't strong enough to knock down 'The Shift'
About the 3D Scene, I didn't even know that it was a separate category.
No, I did not read the Challenge Rules because I wouldn't participate anyways.
I thought that the 3D Scene was together with the Illustration category.
And while I cannot argue with the winners and runner-ups in the Illustration department, one entry that I thought deserves at least an 'Honourable Mention' is The Fourth Chamber by Adrian Baluta.

It is a beautifully executed image, from the colors to the concept, a stunning image in many aspects.
The only flaw I can find with it is (maybe that is why it wasn't recognized) the lack of the curved walls against the horizon.
The first time I saw that image I was sure it was going to win, but as the competition progressed, I realized that there were several good contestants in line for the first place.
But all is well that ends well.
One thing I love about all of the CGSociety Challenges, is that you find quality art where it would otherwise be buried.
Ok. So now you know what I spend some of my free time stalking on the web.
Black and White Photography
Published by JM on Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 8:57 PM.
For some reason (almost) everyone seems to be into black and white photography.
My case? Just look at DeviantART. The masses seem to be starting to create a B&W wave. Flickr seems to be catching it as well in certain groups.
Thankfully the 'Elites' haven't succumbed to the B&W fever.
While I understand some of the reasons behind Black & White, my argument remains the same. That while you can get texture with B&W, you can enhance the texture by about 20% or even 50% when you use color.
Granted, you must know how to use color, what shades, which palette to choose, and so on and so forth; but you have to know how to use texture in the first place, so you don't need that much more skill to factor color into the composition.
Very few Black & White photos I'll admit are better in B&W than in color. But those are few, and far between.
I am not dissing all Black & White photography. I even thought of dabbling a little bit in it myself; but I only have one thing to say about the current saturation of B&W photography.
That is all. Have a good day.
My case? Just look at DeviantART. The masses seem to be starting to create a B&W wave. Flickr seems to be catching it as well in certain groups.
Thankfully the 'Elites' haven't succumbed to the B&W fever.
While I understand some of the reasons behind Black & White, my argument remains the same. That while you can get texture with B&W, you can enhance the texture by about 20% or even 50% when you use color.
Granted, you must know how to use color, what shades, which palette to choose, and so on and so forth; but you have to know how to use texture in the first place, so you don't need that much more skill to factor color into the composition.
Very few Black & White photos I'll admit are better in B&W than in color. But those are few, and far between.
I am not dissing all Black & White photography. I even thought of dabbling a little bit in it myself; but I only have one thing to say about the current saturation of B&W photography.
That is all. Have a good day.
Labels: Black and White, Photography
Oh the sadness when you have something better to compare to. When we went to the 'Arrastão' the other day, someone else took their camera as well. A Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT.*sniff sniff*
All of a sudden my Fuji that I was so proud of, seemed small by comparison.
And I found out the hard way why you pay a premium price for a DSLR compared to a Point & Shoot.
Two words... Image quality.

It almost makes me want to not take any more pictures till I get a camera like that.
But just realizing that I'll never get a camera that good encourages me to pull out my camera bag again, only to once again hide (it and me) due to the large amount of rotten tomatoes and vegetables thrown by a crowd (Home members) yelling 'Paparazzi'!
Edit: Uploaded the photos
All of a sudden my Fuji that I was so proud of, seemed small by comparison.
And I found out the hard way why you pay a premium price for a DSLR compared to a Point & Shoot.
Two words... Image quality.

It almost makes me want to not take any more pictures till I get a camera like that.
But just realizing that I'll never get a camera that good encourages me to pull out my camera bag again, only to once again hide (it and me) due to the large amount of rotten tomatoes and vegetables thrown by a crowd (Home members) yelling 'Paparazzi'!
Edit: Uploaded the photos
Some photos from our HGS last Friday. We ended up waiting a long time for everyone to show up, but when they finally did, we moved our operation the the exit of a university, where we hit the streets with tracts, singing, and a skit. A truckload of souls were saved. Real fun stuff.
I tried to be a photographer/witnesser. I'll let you guys decide how well I did.
JP and Gabes
Some of the musicians 'tuning up'
Some... *ahem* sheep that JP was witnessing to.
Where is JP? Uhh... Can't find him for some reason. *grin*
Some guys who thought it was so cool I was giving out little 'comic strips'
(Whose Slave are You!)
PS. I am thinking of writing a Link article.
Edit: Re-uploaded the photos
I tried to be a photographer/witnesser. I'll let you guys decide how well I did.
Where is JP? Uhh... Can't find him for some reason. *grin*
(Whose Slave are You!)
PS. I am thinking of writing a Link article.
Edit: Re-uploaded the photos
Labels: Photos, Witnessing
Labels: Photo of the Week, Photography, Photos
My sincerest apologies for not keeping this updated for the past few days. The computer has seemed to have lost its firm grip over me.
Just a short recap from this past week:
On Tuesday a truck brought over a huge dumpster (cassamba here in Brazil). 30 square meters of a one large trash can. It was so big that it had a door on one side to walk inside.
The photos tell it all.

From 9:00 AM with a 1 hour lunch break all the way till 5:00 in the afternoon all six of us guys were shoveling leaves, branches, twigs, logs, grass, and any other garden waste we could get our hands on into that big mother.
By the time 5:00PM came around, we were all exhausted, wet, and filthy. So when I went to get the camera, the 'fellows' decided to do a little 'Band of Brothers' lookalike.

When I asked someone to hold the camera to take a picture of me and the guys, the foolishness level had already risen.

This is how dirty we all were. We just weren't all that eager to put on a white shirt. (It was white when we started in the morning)

That was Tuesday. On Wednesday through Friday I only have laziness to blame. (Well I was busy part of the time)
Concerning work, this looks like it could be my desk in a couple of weeks.
Just a short recap from this past week:
On Tuesday a truck brought over a huge dumpster (cassamba here in Brazil). 30 square meters of a one large trash can. It was so big that it had a door on one side to walk inside.
The photos tell it all.
From 9:00 AM with a 1 hour lunch break all the way till 5:00 in the afternoon all six of us guys were shoveling leaves, branches, twigs, logs, grass, and any other garden waste we could get our hands on into that big mother.
By the time 5:00PM came around, we were all exhausted, wet, and filthy. So when I went to get the camera, the 'fellows' decided to do a little 'Band of Brothers' lookalike.
When I asked someone to hold the camera to take a picture of me and the guys, the foolishness level had already risen.
This is how dirty we all were. We just weren't all that eager to put on a white shirt. (It was white when we started in the morning)
That was Tuesday. On Wednesday through Friday I only have laziness to blame. (Well I was busy part of the time)
* * *
Concerning work, this looks like it could be my desk in a couple of weeks.