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Something Witty

BAM Blues

While everyone (here in Brazil at least) is off to the BAM II (Brazil Activated Meetings II) I am here stuck at home.

It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Perhaps I am finally 'growing up'? Nah. Not a chance.

I did work for the BAM though. On Saturday I was asked if I could help lay-out the classes for the BAM II. (And they had to be printed by Monday to get taken to the BAM II) So I spent a very stressful afternoon and it even bled over into the next day. (Yes it was my W&R)

Small previews of them are as follows:

Activated Class:
I took this picture! YAY! I finally used my camera for something truly useful. Heh.
I had to do some color correction on this photo since it was taken at night, since the pretty lady with the hands (and nails) was going out.
(PS. Anyone recognize any difference on the mag? :D)

Faith Class:
General cookie cutter style. All of the material used for the cover was already done, so this was a slap together.
It also set the standard since the top section was already a banner done by some young people in the north of Brazil. (Yes I was impressed)
No idea on to whom goes the glory on the wheelbarrow, but I know it wasn't the banner folks.

Closing Class:
Not sure if I can give away the thunder in case any other area hasn't had their activated meetings yet.
I don't want to get into any sort of trouble for that. Thank you very much.
But just so that you can appreciate the work put into it, here is the original image, found on Google Images.
(PS. All of these images were printed on A5. (GN size)

The fourth one didn't make it on time for printing, but there is a small chance that they will send me it to rush a layout for them to print it on their laser at the BAM II.

* * *

So our home is empty, but not just because of the BAM II, only 2 people from our home went. My mom, (FED RBC) and John C. (Musician) But the home is empty because of some other people traveling. So your dish slot comes around a lot more frequently, but to compensate, dishes are so much easier with 6 people (Total) gone.

We watched Superman Returns on Sunday night. I had been wanting to watch it for quite some time, and had refused to watch a funky camcorder cinema taping. (You know those ones where you see people's heads get up and start walking, and see popcorn flying everywhere) It was worth holding out. I enjoyed it.

Maybe because I started working in the studio, but I noticed Superman's voice is always at that perfect pitch, perfectly equalized, so on and so forth, no matter the circumstances. Even when he is standing very far away, there is no distortion or anything.

But then again, I noticed the same thing on Jornal Nacional, the largest TV station's news here in Brazil; as compared to the other TV station's news. (Quite pitiful actually) Only the anchors, as opposed to all of the reporters. (Live and taped)


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